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Sabrina was born on February 6th in San Jose, California. She grew up in Las Vegas, and

currently attends West Tech. The farthest Sabrina has traveled is to Russia to visit her family.

She also speaks fluent Russian. She has an identical twin sister named Zarina and a younger

brother named Leomiz who is two years old. She also has a tabby cat named Lucky who is

seven years old. Lucky’s favorite thing to do is sleep a lot. Besides playing with Lucky, in her

free time Sabrina loves to sketch and draw. Her favorite place she’s been to is Spain, where

they vacationed for two weeks. Sabrina is one of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet and

always treats people with kindness. She is very genuine and fun to be around. Sabrina doesn’t

know what she wants to do yet after she graduates high school, but is figuring it out as she


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