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Harena was born in Las Vegas, Nevada on February 16th. She’s in the business program at

WCTA. She chose the business program because she wants to be a strong leader and inspire

others. With that inspiration she wants to create something beautiful. Over quarantine she’s

gotten more into reading, cooking, and biking. At first she liked quarantine because she was

always out of her house and always got home late so staying home and relaxing was enjoyable

to her. After a while she began to dislike quarantine because she would become more

introverted which was a weird adjustment for her because she was a big social butterfly before

lockdown. One of her favorite hobbies is photography. She loves taking pictures and she turns

them into beautiful edits. She told me she used to make instagram edits when she was younger

and enjoyed them a lot. When I asked her how she would describe herself she said “I’m very

introverted at first but as you get to know me I start to be more extroverted and a fun person to

hang out and be around.” Her plans after high school is to attend a college. She’s not sure what

college yet but one of her goals is attending an ivy league school. The last question I asked

Harena was “if a genie could grant you 3 wishes what would they be?” Her 3 wishes were

having all the money in the world, having lots of happiness, and making sure all her loved ones

are safe and healthy.

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