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Molly is a strong believer in working hard. She is inspired by my own determination to work towards the degree she wants and to get into her dream college which is UNR .Once she has an idea in her mind, it’s difficult for her to let it go. She knows that she wants to be an excellent student, and she works as hard as she can to get to that level.Molly chose environmental science as her program because, since sixth grade, She has had a strong fascination with how humans interact with the environment. Her program grips interest with an iron hold.Thinking about her graduation seems a little strange. She’s not sure as to what I want to major in, or even knows what she wants to do. She’s considered a few career paths, narrowed it down to a more specific field, but that’s about it. She is planning on taking junior year to figure it out. She wants to get involved in more clubs.Molly spent most of my time at school online, so that kind of puts a damper on all of it. She thinks she hasn’t been doing a good job of making up for lost time. She is Vice President of a club organization, She joined 2 clubs, and has been trying to make more friends. She’d like to try being even more social.

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